
Sunday, January 24, 2010


"Glimpse of Gold"
Oil 11 x 14

I was in a hurry one morning, on my way into
Carlisle for an appointment when I saw these
sugar maples in all of their golden glory. All I
could think about was that I hoped I could get
a picture of them on my way home, and I
prayed the whole time I was in the doctor's
office that when I got back to the scene the
light would be the same.

I was lucky on two counts - I always carry
my camera with me, and my appointment
was very short so I was able to get some
great photos with the light just as I had wanted.
This is the first of two paintings that I hope
to do from that experience.

If you would like to see more of my work,
please check out my website .
Thank you!


Autumn Leaves said...

What a beautiful autumn scene, Claire. How wise to always carry a camera with you. I intend to do the same when my camera arrives. I find the light interesting, almost like after a rain...I can hear myself kicking through those leaves, can smell the mulch of favorite season of them all!

RH Carpenter said...

Lovely colors - so glad you could get the shot for this (and smart to always carry your camera - something I need to make myself do). I admire how the trees on the left lead us into the golden area and the far trees and that blue sky.

Carolyn Jean Thompson said...

This is a beautiful painting.

Sadia said...

Wonderful scene, painted beautifully!
Gorgeous hues!

Anne C M Campbell said...

Claire - the way the foliage has been painted here is wonderful. I have a 'foliage/tree' work on the go and I am finding it so difficult. Last time I painted trees I was in high school! Love the paintwork on the tree trunk on the left.

Claire Beadon Carnell said...

Thank you, everyone!

Art with Liz said...

This is lovely Claire, you caught that light beautifully.

Dean H. said...

Wonderful, Claire! I love the sunlit edge of the tree foliage!

Pat Koscienski said...

This is a beautiful painting, Claire. Glad you had that camera.

Gerald Schwartz said...

Claire! I love your trees, I see you have a fascination with them to. Well-done as is all of your work.

Gwen Bell said...

Great atmosphere! Love all the blues next to that beautiful gold.

Claire Beadon Carnell said...

Thanks for the encouraging comments everyone!


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