
Monday, January 11, 2010

Winter Glow

'Winter Glow'
Oil 6 x 8

I was going to take a break today to get some
housework done...well, it just didn't happen. I
sat down at my easel and started this painting,
working from photographs I took after the first
big snow we had this past December. The late
afternoon light on that day had produced
the most gorgeous colors.

Once I got started, I could not stop...I did not
even break for lunch. Love being in this mode - I
feel so creative and the energy is really flowing.

If you are interested in seeing any of my other
work, please go to my website. Thank you!


L. O'Neal said...

Claire, I LOVE winter scenes and the play of warm sunlight off cool tones. You demonstrate this with the sunlit brick of the barn and the silo in a midst of blustery snow. NICE!

Kerri Settle said...

So peaceful! It makes me wish for snow!

Autumn Leaves said...

I too love winter scenes and the glow of the sun on the side of the barn! In fact, the cornfields around where I live look much like this one. I love the hint of pink in the sky along the horizon...Beautiful, Claire!!

Claire Beadon Carnell said...

Thank you, Lyn, Kerri and Sherry! I'm looking forward to another snowstorm so that I can get more reference shots!

Unknown said...

Its a beautiful painting.

Claire Beadon Carnell said...

Thanks, Rishi.


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