Rose Farm, one of my favorite farms on the
Gettysburg Battlefield. There were some changes
to the property since we were there last year,
most noticable was that the shutters on the farmhouse
had been repainted from last year's lt. blue to a more
historically accurate green.

Sharon Benner

Deb Richardson
I was walking down behind the farmhouse when
I came across the pasture. There were some black angus
up under some trees (future paintings for sure!),
but the soft grasses and lighting convinced me
that this was where I wanted to set up to paint.
Of course I just pretended there were no snakes or ticks
in that long grass... :)

My painting in progress
Finished painting below.

'Rose Farm Pasture'
Oil 9 x 12
What an absolutely stunning painting, Claire! Methinks plein aire is your forte. I love seeing the easel with the WIP in the foreground. I can easily see your painting as spot on. Beautiful work!
I really like this one, that fence really caught my attention & the leaves/grasses held it further. I can imagine myself being there!
A favorite.
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