
Sunday, June 20, 2010


Happy Father's Day out there to all of
those men who are fathers, or father figures
in someones life. I lost my own father when
I was only five years old, but when I met
and married my husband, I was blessed to have
his father became my own father as well.

To honor my husband and his love for his late
father, I decided to get a commemorative stone
dedicated in his father's name at the
U.S. Army Heritage Museum and
Education Center in Carlisle, PA.
Today, on Father's Day, we went over to see the
stone for the first time.


Autumn Leaves said...

What a wonderful gesture, Claire. So beautiful. I love the milkweed painting below too. I love your description of these wildflowers.

Yet my eyes keep going to that round barn!

Claire Beadon Carnell said...

Thank so much, Sherry. You know how much I always appreciate your very thoughtful comments!


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