
Wednesday, February 29, 2012

An Original Oil Painting
by Claire Beadon Carnell

Oil on Canvas panel
 8 x 8

We all know what happened to Adam and Eve in
the Garden of Eden when they succumbed to temptation...
How could I not be tempted to paint this gorgeous
yellow delicious apple with its crown of leaves?

What's truly amazing is that this is one of the apples
 that I got at  Hollabaugh's Orchard in Biglerville, PA early
in the Fall of last year, and it has stayed in perfect
condition right up until about a week ago.

If you would like to see more of my work,
please visit my website or my blog. If you are
interested in purchasing any of my paintings you see
here on this blog, please contact me.

Claire Beadon Carnell
Member of:

Monday, February 27, 2012

An Original Oil Painting
by Claire Beadon Carnell

'Shade Under the Lilacs'
8  x  8

 I was at the Stoneybrook Iris Farm painting when I spotted
these chickens resting in the shade of the
lilac bushes.  I think the rooster was aware that I
was taking some photographs of them, because he
suddenly became very alert...never mess with a rooster!

If you would like to see more of my work,
please visit my website or my blog. If you are
interested in purchasing any of my paintings you see
here on this blog, please contact me.

Claire Beadon Carnell

Saturday, February 25, 2012

an Original Oil Painting
by Claire Beadon Carnell

'February Along the Blue Ridge'
16 x 12

  I think that I am very close to finishing this painting.  It
needs a couple of weeks face-side against the
wall so that when I do look at it again it will
be with fresh eyes.  This was developed from photographs
 and notes I took while we were up on the mountain
last weekend.

If you would like to see more of my work,
please visit my website or my blog. If you are
interested in purchasing any of my paintings you see
here on this blog, please contact me.

Claire Beadon Carnell

Monday, February 20, 2012

An Original Oil Painting
by Claire Beadon Carnell

8 x 10

  Here's another chicken painting I have done from photos
I took last Fall when we were plein air painting on the Blue
Hound Farm.  I loved the colors in this hen the moment
I spotted her.  She liked to peck at the dirt about three feet
in front of my easel, so I was able to get some pretty
nice pictures of her without scaring her away!

If you would like to see more of my work,
please visit my website or my blog. If you are
interested in purchasing any of my paintings you see
here on this blog, please contact me.

Claire Beadon Carnell

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

an Original Oil Painting
by Claire Beadon Carnell

'Coral Carnation'
6 x 6

  I bought a bunch of carnations just to bring some
bright color into the house during the dreary winter
months.  They lasted for weeks, and gave me ample
opportunity to paint and photograph each of
the different colors in the bunch!

If you would like to see more of my work,
please visit my website or my blog. If you are
interested in purchasing any of my paintings you see
here on this blog, please contact me.

Claire Beadon Carnell

Sunday, February 12, 2012

an Original Oil Painting
by Claire Beadon Carnell

'Heads or Tails?'
6 x 6

  Last Fall when we were plein air painting on the Blue
Hound Farm, the chickens were constant companions.
They would hide under a huge hemlock bush for
awhile, then come out to scratch around for a
snack.  I liked the way these three were foraging by
the fence-line - there must have been some yummy
bugs there!

If you would like to see more of my work,
please visit my website or my blog. If you are
interested in purchasing any of my paintings you see
here on this blog, please contact me.

Claire Beadon Carnell

Thursday, February 9, 2012

an Original Oil Painting
by Claire Beadon Carnell

'Lavender Blue II'
10 x 8

Among all of the 'stuff' that resides in my studio is a 
small collection of old bottles I have collected over the
years.  They always make the neatest vases for those 
small bouquets of treasures from the garden - in this
case some late-blooming lavender.

If you would like to see more of my work,
please visit my website or my blog. If you are
interested in purchasing any of my paintings you see
here on this blog, please contact me.

Claire Beadon Carnell

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Work In Progress
Original Oil Painting
by Claire Beadon Carnell

20 x 20

It's been awhile since I have posted!  This is a piece I have
been wanting to work on since last summer , and
I got a chance to get it started during the holiday break.
The lamb definitely needs work, and there is some glazing
and then highlights that need attention.  

I would love if you all could help me come up with a 
title for this!  I loved the stance of the mother sheep, which
clearly indicated her protective nature.  What do
you think would be a good title for this painting?

If you would like to see more of my work,
please visit my website or my blog. If you are
interested in purchasing any of my paintings you see
here on this blog, please contact me.

Claire Beadon Carnell


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